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An overview of the various outreaches we implement



Sunday School


    A person can learn and comprehend the Bible in different settings.  Sunday School is a way to grasp truth in a small group format.  Though structured, SS is also more interactive and allows audience participation with questions, feedback, and illustrations in a more relaxed setting.  Adults as well as children will find a Sunday School and an environment that is right for them.  Classes are provided for each age range.


Van Pickup


    We are excited for every young person or adult who wants to get a ride to church.  The van goes out each Sunday to do pickups through Lake Pan.  On the ride into church, time is given for verse memorization as we recite and sing Bible verses that have been set to music.




    If we at all want for God to bless our little world here in Sumter County, then we’d better be concerned about His world.  We are told, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)  We do believe in “global warning.”  Every lost soul across the globe ought to receive the diving warning that he needs to repent and receive the gospel.   But “how shall they hear without a preacher?”  Those who hear the call to go need the prayers and support of God’s people.  We are honored to make annual Faith Promise commitments to do our part to help send God’s choicest servants to the part of the world where He has called them.  We strive to find a balance between home missions, projects (including Bible translation), and sending missionaries as far as the uttermost.


Junior Church


   Our young people are the future.  Jesus is interested in children. (Matt. 19:14)  The best time for a child to encounter Jesus Christ is at an early age where their hearts are young and tender.  We are mindful of how impressionable children are, and we strive to deal carefully with them so they are not misled.  Rather than talking them into being saved, we strive to help them to understand the gospel and to then let the Holy Spirit talk to them.  Junior Church is a wonderful venue to further introduce the child to God’s truths.




    Adolescents are in a pivotal time in life, as they deal with fears and pressures both without and within.  They need the stability of a steady hand.  The Word of God given by youth leaders who consistent model faithfulness will go a long way to help shape and impact the heart of a youth.  Youth activities are not only limited to having fun, but also to provide spiritual challenge.  Often, the young people are taken to someplace where they can be under preaching.  Besides the regular services, a Harvest young person may attend a Wednesday youth Bible study, monthly retreats, various youth rallies, and summer camp.




    Music is a vital part of worship.  It adds another layer of depth to the truth and draws the hearer’s heart more to the Lord in order to prepare him for the message to soon follow.  We are unapologetically old fashioned in music.  While we don’t object to a newly published song (if it is doctrinally sound and full of substance in its content), we do object to any contemporary style of worship that takes away from the message and the man, Christ Jesus.




    We are all to be missionaries in our own right.  The field is the world.  God has placed us in this sector of the world (Sumter county) that we might shine the light in these surroundings.  We encourage every person to participate in witnessing, for if the lost fail to hear from us, then who will tell them?  We have three month training sessions for all those who wish to enlist as a witness for Christ.  Each person is thoroughly but patiently trained, and is gently nudged to develop a bold witness.

© 2018 by Harvest Baptist Church, Lake Panasoffkee FL. Created with Wix

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